1.3.1. Classification of documents

Documents published in the C series are classified under five headings: Resolutions, recommendations and opinions (C I), Information (C II), Preparatory acts (C III), Notices (C IV), and Announcements (C V).

The C series of the Official Journal covers a wide variety of documents. Here is a non-exhaustive list of documents grouped by heading and subheading (for the listing order, see the structure of the Official Journal on EUR-Lex).

Official Journal – C series

C I – Resolutions, recommendations and opinions

  • Resolutions
  • Recommendations
  • Opinions

C II – Information

  • Interinstitutional agreements
  • Joint Declarations
  • Information from European Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies

C III – Preparatory acts

  • Member States’ initiatives
  • European Parliament
  • Council
  • European Commission
  • Court of Justice of the European Union

  • European Central Bank
  • Court of Auditors
  • High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
  • European Economic and Social Committee
  • European Committee of the Regions
  • European Investment Bank
  • European Union offices and agencies

C IV – Notices

  • Notices from European Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies
  • Notices from Member States
  • Notices concerning the European Economic Area (first those from the institutions, then those from the Member States)
  • Notices from third countries

C V – Announcements

  • Administrative procedures
  • Court proceedings
  • Procedures relating to the implementation of the common commercial policy
  • Procedures relating to the implementation of competition policy
  • Other acts

Within subheadings, the documents are classified according to the order by author (see Section 3.4.2).