2.1. Title

The complete title of an act comprises the type of act, the number, the name of the author, the date of adoption and the subject matter.

The complete title of an act comprises:

  • the type of act (regulation, directive, etc.),
  • the number (that is, the abbreviation(s) that apply (‘EU’, ‘Euratom’, ‘EU, Euratom’, ‘CFSP’), the year and the sequential number of the act),
  • the name of the author of the act,
  • the date of adoption (the date of signature for acts adopted jointly by the European Parliament and the Council),
  • the subject matter,
  • in acts with double numbering, the number assigned by the author (see ‘Double numbering’ in Section 1.2.2).

The rules for referring to a title are set out in Section 3.2.

Where the title of an act is amended by another act or is the subject of a corrigendum, the amended or corrected title should always be cited thereafter.


On the first page of an act, the term ‘codification’ or ‘recast’ may appear below the title. This term, always in bold lower-case letters, is placed under the title, between brackets. It is not mentioned in references to the act in question.