3.5.1. Listed points – presentation

Listed points are usually preceded by an introductory phrase, and the numbering and punctuation to be used depend on the level.

1. If the various points of a list are preceded by an introductory phrase, the phrase ends in a colon, even if it introduces another introductory phrase:

Regulation (EC) No 1623/2000 is amended as follows:

  1. Article 92 is amended as follows:
    1. paragraph 2 is amended as follows:
      1. point (c) is replaced by the following:
        • ‘(c) the place of establishment …:’

2. The points of a list are numbered using lower-case letters between brackets for the first level, lower-case Roman numerals between brackets for the second level and Arabic numerals between brackets for the third level. Indents are used for the fourth level:

This Directive applies to:

  1. …:
    1. …:
      1. …:
        • …:

By way of exception, in the article on definitions and in amending provisions (see Section 3.3), points are numbered using Arabic numerals within brackets for the first level, lower-case letters within brackets for the second level and lower-case Roman numerals within brackets for the third level.

3. Listed points that are preceded by a figure or a letter are separated by semicolons. Those which are preceded by a dash are separated by commas:

This Directive applies to:

  1. …;
  2. …:
    1. …;
    2. …;
    3. …:
      1. …;
      2. …:
        • …,
        • …,
        • …;

4. In tables or lists, punctuation is not usually used after the listed points.