4.1.2. Project management at the Publications Office

The project managers’ role is to carry out the typographical preparation of the manuscript, and the graphic-design office can also produce drafts and models for some projects.

The project managers’ role


Project managers carry out the typographical preparation of the manuscript. The typographical information shown, the characters and formats selected and the timetable drawn up must reflect what is stated in the framework contracts and calls for tender and on the order forms.

The project managers then check the international identifiers (ISBN, ISSN, DOI (see Section 4.4)) and the Publications Office catalogue number.

Particular attention must be paid to the cover; if the thickness of the publication allows for it the title is printed on the spine.

The ‘passed for press’ form is issued after the preliminary pages (title, copyright, table of contents, etc.) have been checked. It must in all cases be given in writing to the printshop and must contain the following points:

  • title of the publication,
  • reference to the language(s) of publication,
  • print run,
  • main characteristics,
  • delivery times, including information concerning deliveries on account and partial deliveries,
  • place(s) of delivery, together with a breakdown of locations (where appropriate).

Graphic designers

artistic materialmodels

The graphic-design office produces drafts and models for posters, pamphlets, covers and specimen pages, which can be submitted to authors before actual typesetting takes place.

Graphic designers can also help to develop visual identities (logos, graphs, etc.) and the graphic design of websites (visual presentation, banners, etc.).