4.3.1. Monographs

Pursuant to ISO 2108:2020 (ISBN), monographs are non-serial publications that may be complete in one volume or intended to be completed in a limited number of separate volumes, that may or may not be published simultaneously and that are made available to the public in any product format.

Pursuant to ISO 2108:2020 (ISBN), monographs are non-serial publications that may be complete in one volume or intended to be complete in a limited number of separate volumes, that may or may not be published simultaneously and that are made available to the public in any product format (hardback, paperback, audiobook on cassette, CD, DVD, Braille book, website, electronic book, etc.).

Monographs in several volumes consist of a predetermined number of physically separate parts (separate volumes), with the exception of publications in instalments. They are intended to form or are published as a complete work. The separate parts may have their own titles and statements of responsibility.

Each monograph is identified by an international standard book number (ISBN) (see Section 4.4.1).