5.7. Listed points

Listed points can be basic lists, with four basic types, or multiple listed points, which follow the rules for the division of text using numbers, letters, dashes and bullets.

Basic lists

The four basic types of listing are illustrated below.

  1. Lists of short items (without main verbs) should be introduced by a full sentence and have the following features:

    1. an introductory colon,
    2. no initial capitals,
    3. no punctuation (very short items) or a comma after each item,
    4. a full stop at the end.
  2. Where each item completes the introductory sentence, you should:

    1. begin with an introductory colon;
    2. start each item with a small letter;
    3. end each item with a semicolon;
    4. close with a full stop.

    Try to avoid running the sentence on after the list of points.

  3. If all items are complete statements without a grammatical link to the introductory sentence, proceed as follows:

    1. introduce the list with a colon;
    2. label each item with the appropriate bullet, number or letter;
    3. start each item with a small letter;
    4. end each one with a semicolon;
    5. put a full stop at the end.
  4. If any one item consists of several complete sentences, announce the list with a main sentence and continue as indicated below.

    1. Do not introduce the list with a colon.
    2. Label each item with the appropriate bullet, number or letter.
    3. Begin each item with a capital letter.
    4. End each statement with a full stop. This allows several sentences to be included under a single item without throwing punctuation into confusion.

This latter type is the mainstay of administrative writing. The list of points may extend over several pages, making it essential not to introduce it with an incomplete sentence or colon.


For specific rules for the Official Journal, see Section 3.5.

Multiple listed points

Multiple lists follow the rules for the division of text, with numbers, letters, dashes and bullets.

Double Triple Quadruple


  1. xxxxxx:

    1. xxxx,
    2. xxxx,
    3. xxxx;
  2. xxxx.


  1. xxxxxx:

    1. xxxx:

      • xxxx,
      • xxxx;
    2. xxxx;
  2. xxxx.


  1. xxxxxx:

    1. xxxx:

      • xxxx;
      • xxxx:

        • xxxx,
        • xxxx;
    2. xxxx;
  2. xxxx.