8.2. Order of footnotes

The order of footnotes and other elements at the bottom of the page is the same in all language versions.

Other elements can feature at the bottom of a page: asterisk, NB, source(s).

The order is identical in all the language versions:


Interim Commission decision.


These prices are the result of applying a maximum reduction.


For the current marketing year, this price is increased by a special premium.

NB: Provisional figures.

Source: European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development.

  • Numbered notes, including a note introduced by the asterisk, are separated from the following notes by a thin line space.
  • Footnotes always end with a full stop.

In the case of identical footnotes, for publications other than the Official Journal, the formula ‘see note x, page y’, should be used rather than idem or ibidem, which could cause confusion. The proofreader will either reproduce the footnote in full or insert the correct numbering in the proof.

In the Official Journal, the text of identical footnotes is reproduced in full each time a mention is made.