9.5.2. Interinstitutional services

The interinstitutional services are attached administratively to the European Commission.

The interinstitutional services are attached administratively to the European Commission (see also Section 9.6).

Name Short name Abbreviation Seat Reference act
(founding act)(1)
Cybersecurity Service for the Union Institutions, Bodies, Offices and Agencies(2) CERT-EU Brussels OJ L, 2023/2841, 18.12.2023 Written form amended
European Personnel Selection Office(3) Personnel Selection Office
  • School of Administration
  • EUSA(*)
Brussels OJ L 197, 26.7.2002, p. 53
Publications Office of the European Union(5) Publications Office OP(*) Luxembourg OJ L 168, 30.6.2009, p. 41
(OJ 152, 13.7.1967, p. 18)

Same abbreviation in all languages.


The reference act is in principle the founding act. If the latter has been ‘recast’ or a ‘codification’ of it has been made, or if it has been repealed and replaced by a new act, this modified act becomes the new reference act (the original founding act is then indicated in brackets as a reminder).


Attached administratively to the Directorate-General for Digital Services.


Usual name.


Attached administratively to the European Personnel Selection Office.


Until 30.6.2009: ‘Office for Official Publications of the European Communities’.